Family Food

130 delicious paleo recipes for every day

With two children of his own, Pete Evans wants to serve up healthy and delicious meals every night. And in Family Food he’s put together his absolute favourite recipes for busy families. These meals follow Pete’s paleo style of eating – no grains, refined sugar or dairy, and a focus on sustainable meat and seafood, nuts and seeds, fermented foods and loads of fresh veggies. There are heaps of quick, healthy and satisfying dinner ideas: roast chicken with rosemary, garlic and lemon; ginger and chilli fish stir-fry; cauliflower fried rice with prawns; and pulled pork tortillas. There are also recipes for baby and toddler food as well as kids’ lunches and snacks that you can be sure won’t be left in the bottom of the school bag: pad thai; ham and pineapple pizza with Pete’s special paleo pizza dough; and homemade fruit roll-ups. Guilt-free treats include strawberry bliss balls, red velvet cupcakes, and blueberry and chia ice cream. Family Food is filled with Pete Evans’ go-to recipes when he’s looking for something quick, tasty and nutritious to cook for his own loved ones, and these meals are sure to become favourites in your home too.


  • Pete Evans’ Family Food is perfectly timed for those looking for sugar, diary and gluten-free recipes, and if it converts MKR’s legion of fans to eating more veg, then good on him! Fascinatingly Pete is also the first person to push the all-conquering Jamie Oliver off the pinnacle of the Christmas food charts in several years.
    Matt Preston, Herald Sun
  • Evans is a superb cook and, based on his previous books, his dishes are tested and proven and guaranteed to make you look good. So, if the healthy life is for you, Evans’ latest book is a marriage between eating to keep you healthy and dining to please your tastebuds.
    Rob Broadfield, West Australian
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